Look For These Problems When You Proofread Your Resume

After you've written your resume, it's vitally important to spend some time proofreading it before you submit it in the hopes of landing a job. There are many tips that you can use for proofreading, including reading the resume aloud, having a family member read it to you, and meticulously going over each word. At the same time, it's valuable to also look for any other problems that may catch a hiring manager's eye. Sometimes, you can be so focused looking at your spelling and grammar that you neglect these things. Here are three problems to catch:

Numbering Issues

Many people number the items in their resume to present the details in a clear and logical manner. However, if you've made numerous changes to your resume, it's possible that some of the numbered items might be out of sequence. If you had points one through five in a certain section but added another point, you may have two points labeled as number four, for example. This error may suggest that you were sloppy in putting together the resume, which isn't a message that you want to send to the hiring manager reviewing it. Always make sure to go over the numbers to ensure that they flow properly.

Spacing Consistency

While it might seem like a small detail, inconsistencies with the spacing in your resume can risk showing that you weren't thorough when you created the document. It's worthwhile to check how you use spaces. For example, you might have a single space or double space between your job title and the name of the company you worked for. Either approach can work, but you need to be sure that you're consistent in each entry. It can be helpful to check the document on your computer, rather than after it's printed, as you can use the cursor to check the spacing.

Tense Issues

Generally, you'll want to write things that occurred in the past in past tense, while a current position that you hold can be written in present tense. However, if you keep a working resume file that you frequently update, you may notice that a job you no longer hold is written in present tense. Carefully checking the tense of each section of your resume will identify any errors that you can promptly address. If you're having trouble putting together a resume about which you're proud, contact your local professional resume writing service.

Contact a company like JWC Professional Resume Services for more information and assistance. 
