Wallace Gregory

Look For These Problems When You Proofread Your Resume

After you've written your resume, it's vitally important to spend some time proofreading it before you submit it in the hopes of landing a job. There are many tips that you can use for proofreading, including reading the resume aloud, having a family member read it to you, and meticulously going over each word. At the same time, it's valuable to also look for any other problems that may catch a hiring manager's eye. Read More 

Essential Planning Tips For Protecting The Items In Your Storage Unit From Accidental Damage

If you need to place some or all of your belongings in a storage unit, making the best and safest use of that space is quite important. As part of that, utilizing specific stacking and packing practices is a good idea, as effective planning will be quite useful to the storage and retrieval process. Therefore, instead of moving everything into the storage unit, it's best to apply the following advice as you are making the necessary preparations. Read More 

Reasons To Choose Plastic Storage Containers To Organize Your Office Building

If you need to get your office supplies organized, one of the best things to use is an assortment of plastic storage containers. These come in sizes small enough to fit in a drawer to large enough to double as a bench or trunk. Plastic has advantages over cardboard, wood, or metal because it is lightweight yet durable. Here's why you should consider stocking up on some of these containers to help you get organized: Read More 

Important Safety Tips For Operating A Rented Forklift

Since the majority of forklift rental accidents happen because their operators failed to follow basic safety rules, it is important you understand as much as you can about the safe operation of your rented forklift. While forklifts are wonderfully helpful pieces of machinery, they can be deadly if not used correctly. To ensure you operate your rented forklift safely, follow these tips: Tip: Always Inspect the Forklift Before Operation Before you get in your forklift to drive it, first, you must inspect it for damage. Read More 

Three Places To Look For Old Gold To Sell

Selling gold doesn't just mean bringing in huge pieces of jewelry or coins when you need money. If you're just trying to sell gold for scrap value, there are any number of places you can look to find gold. These are long-forgotten items that you likely have in your home or neighborhood. Get enough of these together, and you could find yourself able to trade them in for a tidy sum. Read More